Apr 26, 2013

Better sore than sorry

The only one thing that you can do today to get you one step closer to
where you often wish you were, is action. When you get up change and walk out the front door, your body, that voice in your head that urges you to sleep some more or laze it off, has no choice but to kit up and come along with you.

Its amazing how many of us complain of running out of breath or lack of energy to take you through the course of your week, or an increasing tendency to do nothing and laze off entire evenings or afternoons or day dream about being on the field.
While the solution is well within our reach.
Living in Pune we are never too far away from a hill-side for a jog, or a school/coll ground, or a badminton court to get together and play, or a space within your society to throw some hoops, swim or run.

I'm certain of the 24 hours that we have so meticulously divided and dedicated to dinners, parties, get togethers, roaming around and doing nothing; we can manage to make an hour or two of fitness time to do some good to a body put through much neglect and abuse.

And since all of you have been engaged in sports at some point in time in the past, ask yourself if you have ever been put through a grueling practice session, or ran till sweat drips off your chin, or pushed a few more repetitions than usual and woken up the next day to regret it.
Never isn't it? Maybe a little sore, but never sorry.

So why stop now?
Wake up. Don't hit snooze. Kit up. Get out.

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